Member’s benefits in romantic or themed dinners at Hoteles Xcaret
México Destination Club offers you special rates when planning a special dinner at Hoteles Xcaret
Vacations not only provide us with moments for resting or living great adventures while making the most of the All-Fun Inclusive® concept included in your stay at Hoteles Xcaret. They are also the perfect opportunity to celebrate a special or romantic moment, and what a better way to do it than with a private dinner in an incomparable exclusive environment and the culinary offer that characterizes us!
Where do romantic dinners at Hotel Xcaret México take place?
Hotel Xcaret México has various privileged locations on its beaches, a natural setting surrounded by nature and the beautiful Caribbean Sea.
If you want an even more special atmosphere, you can request the presence of live music. Depending on the mood of the occasion, you may have a saxophonist, mariachi, guitarist or troubadour playing live during your special evening.*
The culinary delight consists of a five-course tasting menu that may include vegan options, with a service designed for a maximum of four people. After that, a family style menu is offered at the chef’s choice.
Other special add-ons include flower arrangements from outside vendors; large, illuminated letters and signs; and other visual touches to make this moment an unforgettable memory.
To book your romantic dinner, you can do so via email to the following address:

Where do romantic dinners at Hotel Xcaret Arte take place?
At Hotel Xcaret Arte, you will have four exclusive locations to have a romantic dinner. Two of them are located in Casa de los Artistas; the first one is in front of the emblematic Caribbean Sea; and the second one takes place on its iconic rooftop, home to its exquisite glass pool.
The two other scenarios for romantic and themed dinners at Hotel Xcaret Arte are located on the rooftop of Casa de la Pirámide and in the Ecumenic Inlet, both offering beautiful views of the Maya jungle landscapes, preserved by our eco-integrated architecture.
The service includes a five-course tasting menu with select dishes; additionally, it can include a cheese board for a delicious tasting.
Depending on the occasion you want to celebrate with us, you can make a special request to further customize your experience.
To make your reservation you must contact your Concierge directly or send an email to
Take into account that as a México Destination Club member, you have a 25% discount on romantic dinners at Hoteles Xcaret (this benefit is for title members only, and does not extend to membership beneficiaries). When making your reservation, do not forget to notify any food restrictions or allergies so that they are considered in the menu.
Transform a vacation to Hoteles Xcaret in the beginning of a new chapter in your life with a memorable romantic dinner and get a special rate for being a México Destination Club member.
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