“Aurora” short film, a look into a turtle’s life.
The short film “Aurora” is a representation of the valuable work of the Sea Turtle Conservation Program that takes place every year thanks to its volunteers’ work.

Since sustainability is one of the most important pillars for Grupo Xcaret, different programs for the conservation and reproduction of species have been promoted over time. One of the oldest and most important is the Sea Turtle Conservation Program, with more than 35 years of existence, performed in collaboration with “Flora Fauna and Culture of Mexico A.C.”
This is where the short film “Aurora” is born, an incredible story that talks about the great task that volunteers carry out each year at the Xcacel – Xcacelito turtle camp or Sea Turtle Sanctuary, a task that has contributed to the care of endangered species on the beaches of the Mexican Caribbean.
Every year, more than 350 volunteers join this transcendental adventure to support this conservation program in the Riviera Maya and thanks to it, more than 15 million turtle hatchlings have been reintroduced to the sea.

The documentary features Aurora Uribe Camalich as the narrator, and was written and directed by Emilio Álvarez and produced by Mister Álvarez and Flora and Fauna and Culture of Mexico A.C. in 2021. This short film won the “People’s Choice Award” at the Action Film Festival, commissioned to reward projects classified within the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations Organization (UN).
As we just celebrated #WorldSeaTurtlesDay last Thursday, we share with you the documentary “Aurora” to learn about the valuable work of turtle care, inviting you to continue contributing to the care of protected reserves, the environment, and our planet.
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